This morning I got up with the purpose of cleaning my bedroom and taking pictures so that I could post an "organizing our paralyzed life" entry. Then I had to leave for Sam's pictures - 4 years! We went to the complex (?) Jarrad works at - one of those office/Target/Mall/Movie/everything else places. After pictures, we met him for lunch.
He had not had a good morning.
Sometimes, fear gets in the way of living. Earlier this week he had some stupid crap dumped on him that shouldn't even have been shared (
in addition to the whole 1 year thing) and it is effecting our whole week. Guys aren't
supposed to have fears or express anxiety. But we know that they do and I know my guy. We talked and if it hadn't been for the stupid crap, his morning would have been ok - but you know the saying about the straw and a camel.
I am going to talk about my fears which sometimes mirror his so I guess they are our fears but I am going to speak about
my emotions; my fears. Sometimes, my fear grows because of little things and the way I "hear" things. For example, Jarrad was talking to someone and they were talking about the "culture training" at work and how there might be a large turnover. Keep in mind that the original company was bought about 3 years ago and it is quite large so I hear turnover and think "lay offs". It sends my heart racing. Apparently, though, I am the only one who thinks that. Most folks think "look for a new job because we don't like the changes". And really, who is going to fire the paraplegic? Not happening. It takes FOREVER to fire incompetent people so I don't have to worry about Jarrad being fired for that reason (he is very competent) and again, really, who is going to "lay off" the paraplegic?
But I have my fears. Irrational, selfish and realistic fears.
Selfish because I sometimes feel trapped; feel that we are both trapped.
I fear for Jarrad. I fear for him physically, mentally, emotionally.
I fear going back to the hospital. I fear every doctor's visit. I fear when I leave him that something is going to happen. I fear that there will be a fire or some crazy will detonate a bomb and he will not be able to get out. Somewhat crazy, I know. And you want to know something else dumb? A friend's husband has started working security at the complex so I am not as scared of a fire at work anymore - it is crazy because it is a big complex and his
first thought is going to be Jarrad, right? But it just makes me
feel better. Dumb. So now I fear that there will be a fire in
our house and he won't get out! See, I make a whole lot of sense!
I have financial fears. I joke that we are going to die in debt but that is not what I want. I worry about college for the kids when really, they will probably get a whole bunch of grants and scholarships.
I have fears about old age and how I am going to take care of him when I am 80. I fear that he is going to have to go to a home and I can't go with him.
I fear he is going to die and leave me.
I don't think that I will "get over" my fears. You never "get over" something. You learn to live with it. So the fears live in a corner of my mind and when they trot out, I send them back. It might take a while but they go back. And if they become reality, I will deal with them.
I have found though, that the fear that SOMETHING will happen when I am not with Jarrad is getting smaller. As he gets stronger, the fear gets smaller. Maybe there is hope - they will always be there but be less. It helps me to breathe a bit easier.