About Me

    Hi!  My name is Belinda.  I am a teacher who is staying home to take care of her 2 beautiful children.  And my husband (come on, they need to be taken care of!).  In May 2012, Jarrad was painting our house when the ladder slipped and he fell 12 feet.  He is now a T3/4 paraplegic.
    I had just started this blog so a few entries in, it is all about how paraplegia effects our family now.  Hospital decisions, emotions, faith, renovations, more emotions.  Surgeries.  Parenting. 
    I write about our life. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Belinda,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm fortunate that one of my friends told me about your comment. I don't usually read them. I'm lazy that way.

    If you would, please email me. Just fix up this address.

    j d u l r i c h AT yahoo DOT com
