So - today, on this beautiful day - I dropped the kids off at school. It was a good morning. Could have been better if I had slept but there was no yelling about teeth or getting dressed or eating breakfast. I made a hot breakfast (!) and we even had enough time to play an (educational) computer game. Wonderful.
And as I watched them exit the car and run into the building, I couldn't help but think how blessed I am and how quickly time goes.
Everyone tells you to "enjoy the time because it goes by so fast". Yep. It does.
Don't worry about a clean house because they are going to grow up so fast. But they still need clean clothes and I need to function in said house.
They are only little once so don't sweat the small stuff. Um, have YOU ever stepped on a lego in the the middle of the night?
Enjoying this time isn't about letting your house go to pot, it is about taking a moment, a snapshot, and holding it forever. 5 minutes to play and remember because out of 24 hours, those 5 minutes are going to be the ones that you all remember.
So, I am going to make them make their beds every morning. I don't require it to be perfect but I do want the covers up and pillows and the 20 stuffed animals on their beds. And I am going to make them have (at least) a "daddy sized" path from their bed to the door. They are going to put away dishes every night. And I am going to freak out when there are socks all over the floor or when someone leaves his underwear in the bathroom and his sister yells that it is gross (DUDE! There is a hamper!)
And I am going to go to dance recitals - both on a stage and at home - and basketball games (because NOW we miss it) and as many field trips as I can.