Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas

     It has been awhile since I posted.  It has been crazy and busy!  But tonight I am sitting and watching the U2 concert live from Paris (except that we recorded it).  We had our Mexican dinner with our favorite family - a tradition is as long as our friendship.  Santa has already visited and filled stockings, placed gifts under the tree and the reindeer have left their harness and the glitter from their hooves on the driveway.   Cookies have been eaten and he has written his note of thanks.  Something that he always does.
     My kids are getting older and the magic is fading.  Next year, they might not believe but for now, we will spread the reindeer food, put out cookies and be amazed that we slept through all of it.
      I keep the tree lights on all night.  It makes it hard to sleep since the tree is right outside our room or maybe it is hard to sleep because instead sugarplums, I see lists and and did I do questions dancing in my head.  But I remember the soft glow of the tree from my childhood so the lights stay on.
We are a Star Wars family
     Now it is Christmas day.  Our day doesn't start with a frenzy of opening gifts - we have to get Daddy ready.  But the kids check to see if the cookies are gone and the reindeer enjoyed their treats.  Then we open stockings - a tradition from Jarrad's childhood.  Breakfast next.  My kids are as patient as possible as Jarrad finished up all the things that need to be taken care of for him to get out of bed.  That is a 2 hour process.  I miss the ability to jump out of bed but it does teach patience and I think the kids are better for it.
      We had a scavenger hunt put together by my folks that had us looking all over the house and shown a glaring light on my cleaning schedule (non existent) since I didn't find their clues!  All the gifts are open and Sam has already put together one Lego set (of 3).  Emma has started one of her books and put in a new set of earrings.  And I get to read!  Pretty much all day!  Jarrad has a new game to play and music to listen to.  Later, we will eat steak and have a desert buffet with friends.  
      Peace and joy are sometimes hard to find as adults.  I think we find it in these moments of magic on Christmas day.