Sam loves the water. When we would take him to the local lake as a baby, he would crawl toward the water as fast as he could. I have always known that he was a little fish since the first time I sat him in the tub and he flipped onto his belly so he could put his face in the water - and yes, it was deliberate. How do I know? Because he did it over and over and OVER.
When he as under the supervision of a "responsible" adult (ahem, Grandpa) he went down the 2nd highest water slide at Great Wolf Lodge and then demanded "again! again!" Yes, this child loves water.
This is how the first swim lesson went: while the other kids are tentatively just putting their faces in the water to blow bubbles, my son is putting his entire body into the water. While other kids sit on the top step and kick their feet, my son is under water on the bottom step. He pretends to be a shark by going under the water and holding his hand on his head like a dorsal fin. Sam made the life guard jump twice because he would go completely under the water at the bottom of the steps. I had 2 moms look at me and say, "He's just not afraid of being under, is he?"
And he is the only one who cried because he didn't want to leave the water.
Maybe we should have saved the money and just thrown him in the pool . . .
Okay, I wish I could say WOW....but he's been diving way before he walked and scared the snot out of me when he did it. I know it's been years, but I still remember it!! He's a real water baby! <3 Tracey