Today we have come full circle. An ambulance was called for transport to take Jarrad back to Duke to get his leg looked at. I happened to glance at my watch as we were driving down 85 and noticed it was 2:40. I barked with laughter. I like that phrase. Bark with laughter. Here we go again, I thought.
He has a broken femur. He fell last Monday. Just overextended himself and fell off the bed. I wonder if I broke it getting him back into bed . . . no, he will not be happy when he reads this. We shouldn't do that to ourselves; we promised. What is done is done. If we could go back in time, it wouldn't be to not fall out of bed.
Now, he is expected to be at the hospital for about a week. He will probably have surgery and MORE metal inserted into him - say hello to the next Bionic Man. We could let it heal on its own but he would be crooked and one leg would be shorter than the other. Why does it matter? Well, if he is going to be bionic, we do want him to be symmetrical. No really, it could make things harder and it would take longer for the symptoms of healing to go away.
We are just numb. I have cried but not to the point of making myself sick. I think I have cried enough. This is hard. It sucks. It is shitty (yes, you read that word right - now, go reference my earlier blog about swearing). And it keeps coming. Why, we asked each other in the exam room. Why do all these things happen to us? Have we not had enough? What lesson are we supposed to learn from this? Have we not learned it already?
I think of Job 2:9 "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!" We could do that. We could turn and curse God for all of this or we could "count it all joy when you fall into various trials". James 1:2. The implication being that no one seeks out trials but that they are accidents so you need to find the joy in it.
So what joy is there in this? I don't know. I do know that Jarrad is healthy. There is no infection. This sets us back about a week in our healing process and rehab. Well, we all know how time schedules change. But we are going with a week. We have family who love us. We have friends who love us. Jarrad gets to take a shower.
There is joy here. Joy in our blessings. Blessings in those who are around us. A friend who not only cuts up apples but also the quiche she brings so that it is easier. Or the friends who love our kids like they are their own. Or a friend who "kidnaps" our kids because we are exhausted. Or the one who shows up to make sure the ramp to our house is built well and is worried about our walkway. Or the one who always emails me to check on me and answer questions. Or the one who brought so much food, I could feed my family for 2 weeks. How about those who call just to check on us or the ones who put so much time into tearing apart my (yes, my) house to get it ready for us and the one who cleans up the mess that the others made. These and others are our joys. Our family. Our friends. These are the riches that I have here on earth, that I can store up on earth. And take to heaven.
Now comes the proselytizing part. I believe that there is a God. I believe that there is a heaven and a hell. I believe that the only way to God is through His Son. I believe His hand is on our (Jarrad and my) lives and I would love to be the one to share more with you. Yes, even with all of this shit (sorry, no other word suits.) I believe that there is a purpose. I believe He loves us. I believe His plan is perfect. I don't know what it is or how it is going to work out, but I have faith. I will "count it all joy".