Friday, April 18, 2014

New arrival

    It's here - in our driveway.  It has been here for over 24 hours and we just drove in it today. 
    It is shiny.
    It is new.
    It is just a little bit scary.
    It is not ready for Jarrad to drive yet.  The bids are out and we are waiting to see who wins the privilege of  modifying the car. I guess that this is what you call the basic package - not customized for anyone.  In 2 weeks, they will take it away but for now, we can get used to the idea.

The color is "cyprus pearl" - it is a gray green.

The van actually tilts to the side.

Foot rests for those that sit in the back.
The ramp folds up to sit flush against the door.

Those tracks are for the tie downs for Jarrad's chair - so he is nice and secure. You ca also see one of the tie downs.  There are 4 and they are movable. 

A round of applause for the model! If you look at the above picture, you will see the passenger seat.  That WHOLE thing comes out and Jarrad can ride shotgun.  There is a seat belt attachment so he can buckle up properly too.

    It is just a little bit exciting.

Friday, April 11, 2014


    So as a cherry on the top of my not fun day, I find out that I missed kindergarten registration.  I know it is (probably) not a big deal - just register Sam sometime next week.  It is not like they assign classes before the summer is over...  still it just is ... perfect.  PERFECT! 
    Today, we were supposed to go see Jarrad's van.  He was going to get evaluated as to the specific modifications he needs.  THEN, we would pay for the van (and start payments to the loan company) and it would be OURS - in fact, it would come to our house and sit there for roughly 2 weeks while the bidding process goes on for whoever is to make the modifications on the van.  THEN it takes 6 - 8 weeks to make the modifications.  In that time, he will go back and check to make sure the modifications are correct.  THEN he will go  back a week or 2 later to again check out the modifications and a week after that, we take it home.  THEN he gets more driving instruction on his vehicle- roughly 5 more hours.  THEN he can drive it. 
    This process has been so convoluted.  We started it in September of 2012.  That was just for the paper work.  By the time that got approved, it was the holidays.  We had to have an initial evaluation for driving and vehicle.  At that time, Jarrad had carpel tunnel.  We made the mistake of telling them that and suddenly the wheels stopped turning until that surgery took place.  Then in June, we were told that there was a government policy change.  Yeah for more paperwork and approval process! 
   It is a wonder that I have hair left.  Jarrad and I go through cycles of who gets to be frustrated. 
   Finally, he took his driving lessons and got his license.  By that time, a whole year had passed.  And we hit the holidays again.  YEAH!  That added another 6 weeks to the process.  I am so a grinch because I hate last year's holidays. 
    And now, today, because someone dropped the ball with confirming, we didn't get to check out the van so it is pushed another week into the future. 
   Ok.  I am grateful that Voc. Rehab is there.  Their job is to help retain and train for employment.  It is cheaper for the government to do that than to pay out social security.  Right now, we are paying out of pocket for Jarrad to be driving into work 1 day a week. 
     Well, why can't you drive him?  Because it is a 45 minute drive to work.  And then I get to come home and do laundry, grocery shop, fix food, homework, housework and my own part time gig. 
    It is too much.  One day, between kids and Jarrad, I was in the car for 4 hours.  
   I know that I should be grateful that Voc Rehab is paying for the modifications.  That way we don't have to pay 65,000.  We are just paying what we would pay for a new van.  We could never afford this on our own.  Of course, before last June, we would have been paying the amount you would pay for a used van ....
   But the ineptitude of a paper shuffling government that allows for severe abuse of the system in some cases and ridiculousness of it's own self  - I mean, 4 months of passing our application around for signatures?  And when our signatures are needed, we have 24 hours to sign AND return? Oh, and THEY don't have to honor their original agreement with us?  COME ON!  REALLY?  
    I am beyond frustrated and about ready to give up hope that we will ever see the end of this. I will order cake (Ahem, ginger cake, H) and ice cream to celebrate if we EVER get it here. 
    But I think that is about as likely as having U2 play at my 10th anniversary.