Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Follow up to pressure sores

   In my last post, I promised to write why I was talking about pressure sores.  So bear with this post because it may get a little wordy (I heard that!  No more comments from the peanut gallery!) or it may be jumpy - all to get to the point.
     It is difficult to wade through the information that you find on the internet.  Difficult because there is a lot and difficult because reading it can be hard.  Take heterotopic ossification - we had talked to folks about the surgery and been told it is scary and you can die from blood loss and the recovery time is long and it might not work and you should have radiation and you shouldn't and . . . and. . . and. . .
    It is a little overwhelming.  Frankly, Jarrad's SCI doctor isn't helping at all.  His doctor at Moss said to stretch and put the fear of God into us that if we stopped, there was no cure and to avoid surgery as it was dangerous.  
    Fast forward . . .
    2013 and I am talking to someone about Jarrad's HO.  She says - I know someone who has that.  Let me pull up his blog.  And there it was. Wow - someone local who has a similar injury to Jarrad and has HO. 
    We, for the past year and a half, have been trying to get connected.   Jarrad has gone to group and we have gone to events but how can I put it?  Just because you have wheels, doesn't mean that you are going to be friends.  Or that you are going to get helpful information.  I did meet some nice ladies at the couple of meetings that I went to but they are busy and I can't go to the meetings because they are during the day.  Jarrad's group meetings seemed to consist of folks who have been in wheels for several years so that they don't remember or they haven't heard of things like:
heterotopic ossification
botox for bladder spasms
carpel tunnel surgery
or other useful tips like how to get around.  
   Enter the internet and research.  Youtube is good.  Pinterest helpful, but there is something about the human connection.  I tried to reach out to a couple of bloggers - got no response from 2 and a rudimentary response from one that made me feel like she would rather not answer any questions.  Kind of left me feeling very isolated when I had hoped that I could at least make a connection that way.  I still read the blogs but it is now with the feeling of a 9th grade, pimply faced girl staring after the got it all together seniors.  
      So when Jason -of the aforementioned blog- responded, it was great.  He and Jarrad have communicated and discussed a lot of stuff - like tips and the fact that he has had HO surgery (did I mention that they were both injured in the same year - a month a part?  Or that they both work with computers?).  
    It made me think, though, that I need to focus on our life now in a wheel chair and how we deal with things- just in case someone comes knocking at my virtual door. I want them to feel welcome. 

1 comment:

  1. Brenda, I keep commenting on the blog and wondering if you are getting my messages. So today, I am trying from the computer. We have experienced the HO surgery and I will be more than happy to answer any questions. I also just posted about packing for our trips per your request through a comment on the blog. If I am one of the ones you mentioned who hasn't commented back I am sorry. Like I said I have been trying to comment from my phone but I guess they haven't gone through. My email address is Feel free to email me!
