Thursday, September 26, 2013

hot vs. cold

    I used to sleep with my feet outside the blankets -they were always hot.  In the morning, my side of the bed would always be twisted up; I hated to feel confined by my bedding.  Jarrad, however,  liked to have hospital corners on his side.  Then, we had kids and something changed.  My feet were like ice and I used Jarrad as a foot warmer.  THEN, IT happened and I wear socks to bed because my foot warmer is now always cold.
   This is a problem that is experienced by probably 99% of couples everywhere.  One likes to be warm, one likes to be cool.  And a zillion other bed and bedding preferences that also change as we get older or as events occur.
    This usually isn't a problem because if one person is cold, they can get up and get another blanket.  In our case, the person that was cold would take twice as long to get the blanket so the other person - who was just drifting off to sleep- would get up and get it.  Not because that person was kind but because that person would still not be able to sleep until the other person was settled.  So you can imagine that this person was not always gracious. 
    Since Jarrad was always cold at night, I thought I would trade out the light blanket for a fleece one.  He slept comfortably.  I roasted. 
   He jokingly suggested 2 twin blankets - a light weight one for me and a fleece one for him. 
   I went out and bought 2 twin blankets. 
   He was joking.  I think he is a genius. 
   In order to get around the too much overlap and bulk when making the bed, I cut off about 12 inches from each side, overlapped and sewed them together.  Since I was working with 2 very different materials, it may not look pretty but it makes one blanket big enough to cover a king size bed. 
     Now, ask me how I slept last night.
     That's right - I married a brilliant man! 

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