Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I have a job

     When THE INCIDENT first happened, I spent the first 3 days worrying about Jarrad.  After I found out that he was going to be ok - then I started to worry about other things - like how we were going to continue paying the mortgage. Jarrad had only been with this company for 7 months and as such, he did not qualify for disability.  Our home owners insurance covered everyone EXCEPT the homeowner.  I calculated that we had at least 2 more paychecks (sick and vacation time) coming in and if I was REALLY careful, I could stretch that to 3 months. 
    Enter the panic. 
    There was a really nice social worker named Michelle at Duke.  She sat with me and helped me to try to figure out what to do.  One suggestion was that I get a job. 
    Hmmm.  I was beyond overwhelmed.  I know that others do it - I just couldn't imagine how.  Even now, I am in awe of those that work and do all the other stuff that comes along with a new INCIDENT.  Honestly, I don't know how they do it. 
    I was a teacher.  My licensed had lapsed and then there were the kids to consider.  Not to mention that it was May and there was a hiring freeze going on.  She suggested things like working at the hospital or Wal-Mart.  All at minimum wage.  All what I would have done if I had needed to.  Fortunately, after 2 days of filling out forms, trying to brush up my resume, looking at ads, and visiting the county welfare office, Jarrad's company came back to us with some fabulously great news.  They really stepped up to the plate.  That, combined with generous souls helped to get us over the hump until Jarrad could start working again.  We were going to be ok. 
    I will never forget those 2 days.  I remember calling the mortgage company and spending 2 hours on the phone trying to find someone I could talk to.  For two hours, all I got was,  "You are going to have to short sell your house."  FINALLY, I got someone who said, "Ma'am, this is the collections department.  You want X department."  And more paperwork but at least there was some hope at that point.  Oh, and I had to do this in the ICU and wake Jarrad up every time I escalated it up the food chain.  Nice.  That is because when we married, I moved into his house and as such was not on the mortgage.  Fun times. 
    Since that time, getting a job has always been in the back of my mind.  Before THE INCIDENT, I always thought I would substitute teach when both kids were in school -if I wanted to. If I was bored. It would be something to do and bring in a little extra cash for fun things or to pay for a masters.  I would be off in the summer and if I couldn't do it, oh well.  The problem was that I had substituted before and hated it!  It was so dull and boring and the kids are rude and you don't know anyone until you have been there for a while and no one feels the need to get to know you . . . blah blah blah.  YUCK! 
    And then one magical day, I took Sam to story time and walked in as the librarian was putting up a sign that read "Part Time Circulation Desk Clerk Wanted". 
    And I heard angels singing! 
     It would only be about 16 hours a week and the hours were really flexible.  I don't think I had gotten half a sentence out before Jarrad told me I should apply. 
    Did I mention I really love to read? Like REALLY love it?  And that in my "Teaching Writing" class in college, the professor asked, "Who is going into teaching because they love writing?" and in that class of about 20, only 2 people did not raise a hand.  Want to guess which one I was?
    I am all about the books.  
    Well, I turned in my application and was told that they were going to hire one of the substitutes for the position. 
    BOO!  But I am glad that they were going to do right by one of their subs. 
    WAIT! What? 
    "You need substitutes for the library?"
    "Yes, would you like to be a substitute?" 
    And the angels were singing again! 

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