Tuesday, May 20, 2014


    There is this feeling when you leave someone you love in the hospital.  It is like you have no tether - no concentration at all.  It is the reason why folks pace.  And then, when you get the all clear, it snaps back into place and you are grounded again.
    I don't like waiting in the hospital for that reason.  I am a pacer.  I would be annoying!  Today, I have been cleaning out the closet, caulking the trim, moving paint to smaller containers, putting together my mending/small sewing projects to work on, weeding and doing laundry.  None of those things were finished - my version of pacing.
    And jumping every time the phone rang.
    Finally, at 3:22, I  got the call I was waiting for.  And I was grounded again.
    They opened the side of his leg and found infection.  It was deep and it did touch the hardware.  This is bad as they had to remove the pin and screws.  The good news is that the pin seems to have acted as a wall and prevented the infection from moving deeper.  It also appears that his femur has fully healed and they do not need to go back and put in another pin - which was a possibility.  They are "very hopeful" that they will not need to.  He did very well with the anesthesiology.  His hemoglobin was low again - 8.9 for my nurse friends which is down from 11 from last December.  I am perplexed and a bit concerned about that but no one else seems to be.  I am going to be more aggressive about this later.  So they did give him a unit of blood but I think that was more preventative than because he really "needed" it.  He will stay in the hospital till they determine the strain of bacteria - probably till the end of the week -and are able to give him the correct antibiotics.  He will have to have a PICC line - similar to the picture and has to have IV antibiotics for 6 weeks.  Home health will be out for that - yeah.  I think that this doctor is not playing around!  We have had Dr. Riley before and she is really good.  I wish that she would be willing to do the bisection of his HO but I understand why that may be more than she is comfortable with.
    Well, that is it for now.  Don't worry, I will keep you updated! Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts - don't stop!   I really hope that this is not the precedent for year 3.  I just want it to get into a routine!


  1. Praying for you and yours....
    "The Lord will either calm your storm or allow it to rage while he calms you" - unknown-

  2. Thank you. I was reading to the kids about the boat in the storm. It is very real on a whole different level. I need to remember that HE is there too.
