Wednesday, November 21, 2012

and yet

     Yesterday, I went to the park with the kids for half an hour.  We had to get Jarrad some medicine and a friend texted as we were walking out the door saying she was at the park.  We went to CVS where I fully expected to pay a min. of 150 for Jarrad's meds but apparently insurance decided to pay for it and we only had the 10.00 co pay!  YEAH!
     Anyway, we get to the park and chat.  K says that Jarrad is looking great.  She saw him not long after he got home and saw him again on Halloween, she could tell that there was a difference.
     I guess that there is.  No, I know that there is.  The Chair has become a part of our life.  It is just there. It takes a little longer to do stuff but Jarrad is getting stronger so it takes less time than it did even a week ago.
    And this week, he said "yet".  A 3 letter word that marks a strong emotional and mental difference.  Before, he would become frustrated with what he perceived that he couldn't do and that is where he stopped. This week, he said yet.  I can't do it.  I can't do it yet.  One is final and one is temporary. 
     Poor Jarrad.  Even when we fight, I fight about his word choice.  So when he said "yet", I did a victory dance.  It involves me bouncing around in a circle pumping my fists.  This was in my head, I hadn't had my coffee yet. 
     Don't get me wrong, I know that there is some stuff that is just not going to be worth the trouble it would take to do it but the thing is, we COULD if we wanted to.  
     I am so proud of him.

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