Monday, April 22, 2013

psycho Monday

   Who wants to talk about blessings? 
    Oo!  Oo! Oo! Me! Me! Me!
    Today didn't start off well.  Jarrad was working from home today and that means that I take Sam and leave - at least for the morning.  Why?  Because it is hard to concentrate when you have people doing dishes and playing with trucks.   And Jarrad works in the middle of the house (see old picture taken in 2008 when we were trying to sell the house.  I refuse to take a picture of how it looks now because it is a DISASTER!)
    So as a courtesy and because I can't expect Sam to play outside or in his room for 8 hours, I usually try to leave in the morning for a couple of hours.  Hence - swimming lessons.
    Today, was horrible.  Sam cried before we left to go to Costco.  Then he proceeded to  cry for the hour we were in Costco and not even seeing the firemen getting groceries could stem the tears - just subdue to sniffles for a few minutes.  I even bribed him with a book.  You know what the stinker did?  Came home and thanked DADDY for his new book.  He is only 4!
    Deep breath! 
    So what does that have to do with blessings?  See, just like one thing can make a day horrible; another can turn it around. 
    As I was waiting for the bus, my doorbell rings.  Outside is the developer of our neighborhood.  He says he was having some maintenance done and they finished early  and was wondering if they could do anything  - like move my small remaining pile of mulch. 
    The same mulch that my dad kept offering to move this past weekend.  I didn't think it was that much of an eyesore . . .
       He also offered to do some yard work if needed.  I said that wanted the front bushes taken out.  So they cut them down and next week they are going to take out the stumps!!!
    It would take me a week to do what they did in 45 minutes.
     Now before I get a phone call from some wonderful friends protesting that they would have done it.  I know - I love you too.  And don't worry, I will completely abuse your friendship later in a passive aggressive way where I make you work and then give you beer and pizza. 

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